COVID-19 Updates, March 18, 2020
Dear patients,
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC is recommending that routine eyecare visits be postponed. With the pandemic spreading so far and so fast, we want to do our part to slow and prevent the spread of the virus. With this in mind, our office will be closed until the end of March for routine care, at which time we will re-evaluate.
If you need to replace glasses or contact lenses and need an extension on your prescription, please contact us and we will assist you in obtaining some until you can come in for a visit. We have a link on our website to order contact lenses or you can call our office to speak with someone. We will have limited hours and staff to answer the phone and will be checking the voice mail and email regularly.
If you are running out of a medication, please contact us and we can transmit a refill electronically to your pharmacy.
Please be assured that we are available to triage all urgent and emergent issues. If you are seeing flashes of light, new spots in your vision, any sudden changes in vision, redness or ocular pain, call our office at 513-752-2100 and we will schedule you to come in or see you via Facetime, Skype or telephone consult.
During this period of social distancing and quarantine, we must all do our part by restricting activities outside the home except for getting medical care. It was a difficult decision to close our office, but I felt it was the right decision to protect our patients, our staff and our families.
With sincerest wishes for your continued good health,
Dr. Carisa McFadyen
Jill Mitchell
Glenita Sawyer
Jessie Foerster
Tosha Caraway